Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Different Kind of Resolution

I don't make new year resolutions. I think I might have at one point in my life but in recent years I have realized that I a.) never keep my house any cleaner b.) never go to the gym on a regular basis and c.) don't actually want to stop taking afternoon naps in lieu of attempting to do something (anything!) more productive, so therefore even the concept of making those resolutions is just plain impractical.  

However, if I did have reason to change my mind on this 'no-resolution resolution' this might be the year. Especially since a friend gave me the following, which I really, really like.

A New Year's Resolution

I will.....
Like Paul, forget those things which are behind and press forward.
Like David, life up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.
Like Abraham, trust implicitly in my God.
Like Enoch, walk in daily fellowship with my heavenly Father.
Like Jehoshaphat and Ezra, prepare my heart to seek God.
Like Moses, choose rather to suffer than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season.
Like Daniel, commune with my Lord at all times.
Like Job, be patient under all circumstances.
Like Caleb and Joshua, refuse to be discouraged by superior numbers.
Like Joseph, turn my back to all seductive advances.

Like Gideon, advance even though my friends be few.
Like Aaron and Hur, uphold the hands of my spiritual leaders.
Like Isaiah, consecrate myself to do God's work.
Like Andrew, strive to lead my brother into a closer walk with Christ.
Like John, lean upon the bosom of the Master and learn more of His spirit.

Like Stephen, manifest a forgiving spirit toward all who seek my hurt.
Like Timothy, study the Word of God.

Like the heavenly host, proclaim the message of peace on earth and goodwill toward all men.
Like my Lord himself, overcome all earthly allurement by refusing to succumb to their enticements.

Realizing that I cannot hope to achieve these objectives by my own strength, I will rely upon Christ for "I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me." (Phil 4:13)  
- Author Unknown

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